One thing down, eight thousand to go...
Dylan is currently painting the bathroom. I am working on the guest list and Save the Date cards. Time is flying by. So the picture above are my wedding shoes. Taylor and Lindsay took me shopping for them. They are the best couple a gal could ever ask for. They take me wedding shopping, help Dylan and I knock down a wall in the hallway, and keep me at their house when I have an allergic reaction to the aftermath...
So what do you think of the shoes? No really, I am curious, they will be a different color of course, and I cutting the black elastic off and replacing it with ribbon, but that is the shoe. I have never worn anything so comfortable in all my life. Taylor and Lindsay had to hand the box to Dylan to keep me from wearing them. They are now hidden in a undisclosed location somewhere in the house. Maybe I will find them while Dylan is gone to England.
Did I mention England? No? Hmm. I guess I have not updated this in a while. Well, Dylan is going to England for a month. And while he will be missing Valentine's Day, he is being hired by Oxford University to do some pretty impressive sketches for publication. I can't complain too much. Well I can, but I am not going to. (HA!)
So for now I bid you farewell til next quarter. (I will try to do better...)
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