Dylan has been gone two weeks. Two long weeks. (Only 7 to go). I have now found a new reason to wish his return comes sooner, the lawn. While I should know that the lawn is not out to get me, I really do wonder if each blade of grass is holding a grudge against me. I don't think it would be that bad if I were not allergic to grass. It only takes one hour to mow the entire lawn. The problem is that it takes 6 to mildly recover. I have learned however that if I take a dose of Benedryl 30 minutes before I leave the house, then when it sets in and makes me overly hyper and jittery the physical exertion of mowing seems much more a distraction than a chore. After I mow, however, I wish for death and can usually be found laying on the cold tile of my house for two hours with a wet rag on my head trying to make the throbbing stop. I cannot wait until Cecelia is old enough to mow...
Other than that, life is moving along. I have taken 4 geography quizzes and one test. The class is rather dull and my only complaint is the fact that because it is online the dates of assignments and tests follow no logical pattern. I believe quiz 5 is due on Saturday. Very odd. Oh well. All things considered, I can't complain too terribly much. My "test" took me a grand total of 13 minutes to finish. And this class alone is the ONLY thing keeping my from my social studies certification. Scary.
After a complete and utter disregard for my wheat allergy, I am once again back on the wheatless bandwagon. So if you love me, don't offer to treat me to anything that has it involved, most likely I will succumb to peer pressure only to regret it later. Angela, my boss, reminds me that it can be correlated to an addiction and I need to treat it as such. Fall off the wagon, get back on, try again. And I know not an addiction in the drug variety but in the mental dependency of love the stuff it is everywhere, surely a bite won't hurt me. HA! I realized it was time to start over when I woke up and could not open a coke top my hands hurt so bad and sitting indian style was an impossibility. I don't miss too much. Cake mainly. But who wants to actually have their cake AND eat it too?
1 comment:
I've got nothing for you on the grass situation, since I'm in the same boat. I tried to be nice about a month ago and mow, but I paid for it the rest of the week with a lovely snotty nose. I'm also told I snored during that week. Perhaps you can call Disney and offer up your yard for the next installment of "Honey I Shrunk the Kids". I believe there is a scene in the movie where they do mow the lawn.
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