So I am completely floored and in awe of my love bunny. Dylan was sweet enough last night to tell me that he thinks he may be a bit over extended (HA!) . As such, he has decided to forgo teaching in the fall. I am thrilled beyond belief. (I feel like a bad person saying that.) He had already decided that teaching four classes was a bit much, and we were down to two. So then after he had a board meeting last night, he realized he missed making his little men. And since we are planning on having two years before he is supposed to start grad school, he really doesn't have much time left to have stockpiles of art. I was also informed that a gallery in Texas is planning on doing a solo show of his work in August (I will give more details later) and that he is in contact with three others for a few select items. So I am excited and anxious, and generally all butterfly filled.
I never updated about the Cotton District Arts Festival. We had a blast. He did great. I learned, or was painfully reminded, that a happy Aly is a well fed and watered Aly. So besides the one cranky outburst at 9:45 when Dylan promptly fed me a granola bar, I had fun.

Okay, so by 4 I was exhausted, hot, mildly sunburned, and ready to have a real toilet, but other than that having fun. He sold out of heads. I am going to put a picture up in a minute. And I made him raise the price of his little men. At first he protested, and I told him to trust me. The little ones I left at $20, and the rest I bumped up to $25. And to be perfectly honest, I randomly selected a dozen or so to be $30, and those sold the quickest. I guess that just demonstrates supply and demand. But it was funny to watch. People would pick up two and try to decide which one and ask the cost, and I would tell them it is on the bottom, and they would proceed to immediately put the less expensive one down. I know I am a horrible person, I used his art in my own little anthropological experiment. I will repent next year. Maybe. He just shook his head and chuckled when I told him.
So I stole a head.

We later found a box while repacking all the men for later. I have heard people talk about how sometimes a face of one of the men speaks to you, but I am so enthralled with all of them together, I never wanted to look at them as individuals. So now I have a head on my desk. I love his coloring, his ears, his barely crooked nose. He makes me happy.
The term "love bunny" make me laugh, especially when I think of all the times you chased David around the house yelling "Dolly! Dolly!". Sounds like you might get to see Dylan in the fall a little more, which is always good news!
i like the men, i might have to purchase one
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